Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I know. This is absolutely ridiculous. I haven't written in ages. I've been writing posts for my books blog (http://readingbtwthelines.blogspot.com), but I have been totally neglecting my fiction. I miss it so much, but I struggle to get back into it. And no one on here has been yelling at me to post more! haha my motivational plan FAILED!

If anyone's reading this, please urge me to write! If I know someone wants to read it, then maybe, just maybe, I can force it out :)


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Writing Prompt #2

I've finally completed my second writing exercise. I was stuck on it for a while, so this past weekend I just forced myself to finish it, writing half the story in an hour (if only I could write that fast on a regular basis). It's not much of anything, just a silly story that had no direction to begin with and just kind of needed to end so I can move on to a new project.

Anyway, here it is--I hope you enjoy it to some extent!


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Oh life. How I wish there were more time in you to write. I must make more.

Story hopefully on the way soon! I'm sorry :(

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I know, I know

I suck. I missed my deadline. Again. But I promise, I have an excuse. Things have been too crazy for me to write--work's been insane, my new kitty has been very sick and causing drama, settling into the new apt, etc. etc. :(

I have worked on my next story a little bit more though! And I'm going to try to get a ton done in the next couple weeks and get it out to you by the 15th!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello, friends :) This March has been insane for me. I'm in the process of moving, have had a lot of health issues, etc. etc. So, this is unfortunately an update to say I'm giving myself an extension deadline on the next story. It has been started and I'm working on it, but I haven't had much time, as much as I would love to work on it! So, I will try to finish it before the end of April, though that will be my official deadline. Till then, happy reading!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fallen Hero (new ending!)

Hello, my friends :) I've completed my first short story (entirely on my own) in four years! I expected it to go a very different way than it did, so I'll be interested to see what you all think. Please be kind though haha this one is particularly close to my heart, as those of you who actually know me will understand as soon as you read the first paragraph. 

I haven't edited the story yet, but I fixed the ending. Yesterday I had a different one posted because it's what came out but it didn't feel right to me. When I woke up this morning, however, I had it :) So I hope you enjoy this first draft!

Monday, February 23, 2009

RR#1: "Untitled" by LG and DP

Story prompt: "My plant surprisingly hadn't died yet."

Click on the link below to read the pdf! Enjoy! =)

"Untitled" by LG and DP

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie." -Stephen King

I've recently started writing again on a regular basis. I've given myself deadlines for short story writing exercises (one of which is coming up in less than a week!), and I have been collaborating with friends on Round Robins, flexing my creative muscles both independently and through the challenges my co-writers throw at me. I've been enjoying writing more than I expected to. I've always loved it, yes, but I've been so inconsistent with it for so long that a part of me forgot what it felt like. And it feels gooooood! =)

I've decided to start digging a little deeper, though, by sucking it up and sharing my writing with you all. Some of the stories I will share will be Round Robins written alternatively with other people and will be completely unedited (unless otherwise noted). The others will be stories I wrote on my own each month (a countdown to the next story is on the left--if I don't meet my deadline, please nudge me!). These stories will mostly be using sentence prompts written for me by my dear friend LG to help me get the creative juices and motivation flowing again. I may toss in some other projects here and there as they come about: poems, prose, etc. So, be on the lookout! ;)

Please feel free to leave feedback and constructive criticism after reading each story. It has always been very difficult for me to share my writing. It's a little piece of my soul in one way or another and showing that to people can be terrifying for me. So, naturally please be sensitive and respectful while you help me improve! =)

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! 

P.S. Some of the projects will be in link formats to a pdf, others will be in the blog content, depending on size. If you have any trouble viewing the pdfs, please let me know! I'm new to this embedding them in the blog thing so I might mess up now and again haha